Добрый день! Собираемся бронировать ваш отель. Подскажите по вай_фаю, он бесплатный? И в концепцию ALL входят какие алкогольные напитки?
Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon
Представитель отеля
Dear Angelica,
Greetings from Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon!
Please refer attachment for the entitlement of All Inclusive package. We offered complimentary Wi-fi in the resort. If you need any further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us again. Have a nice day!
Dear Angelica,
Greetings from Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon!
Please refer attachment for the entitlement of All Inclusive package. We offered complimentary Wi-fi in the resort. If you need any further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us again. Have a nice day!