Вопрос об отеле № 315000 Любовь Жданова Москва Турагент 12.11.2014 18:36 16.11 to You and calls Your regular client KOPRIVA GALINA. The Operator Biblio Globus. ASK her to provide single room on the 3rd or 4th floor. 12.11.2014 18:36 16.11 to You and calls Your regular client KOPRIVA GALINA. The Operator Biblio Globus ... 0 ответов Смотреть все вопросы
Любовь Жданова Москва Турагент 12.11.2014 18:36 16.11 to You and calls Your regular client KOPRIVA GALINA. The Operator Biblio Globus. ASK her to provide single room on the 3rd or 4th floor. 12.11.2014 18:36 16.11 to You and calls Your regular client KOPRIVA GALINA. The Operator Biblio Globus ... 0 ответов Смотреть все вопросы